Reflection on Teamwork and Clint input

10 May 2021

Me and my team made an application, using javascript, to take CO2 emissions. This application was asked for by Hawaii Electric. This project required me to work in a team, to complete the application. We performed code reviews on eachothers’ code to ensure that all coding rules were met. Meeting with are clints and getting feedback on the project.

Teamwork - I worked in a team with seven other people to complete this project. We coordinated over discord, with 2 meetings a week. We are disgusted by what issues we have solved or are working on.

Code review - I and my team performed several code reviews over the course of development. We selected a working section of code, not currently being written, and analyzed it for poor design. Including, redundant code, ineffective comments, obtuse setup, and more. Assign rewitts to a team member to improve the project

Clint commission - We met with representatives of Hawaii Electric several times, over Zoom. We demonstrate and explain what the application is capable of. Thay specified what was wanted, and suggested new ideas. This allowed us to make a fine result that was desired by our client.