First language

06 Sep 2019

Javascript is an intuitive programming language and is relatively easy to use. My ICS 314 class has taught me modern coding style. This is the most straightforward language I know how to use.

I first learned to code using the online instruction website Khan Academy. This site teaches introductory processing.js, making that version the first computer language I used. I have never encountered the language in a college course.

I learnd that processing.js uses outdated coding conventions. I was originally taught to use var for most variables. I have also been using arrays and objects in un-optimal ways. FreeCodeCamp taught me about these more efficient coding conventions.

I have learned to code in Java, C, C++, and javascript. Javascript is the most simple to use, in my opinion. Java, in comparison, is cumbersome. I think C is similar to javascript on the surface level. I have the least experience using C++. I found it to be unintuitive.